Early in the Morning

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Daca iti plac cantecele in engleza atunci esti invitat sa vizionezi cantecul ‘Early in the Morning’. Cantecul este interpretat de Nora Satmarean impreuna cu Rainbow Children’s Club.

Cantec Early in the Morning

All the Teddy Bears wake up early in the morning.
All the Bunnies will be up early in the morning.
Mice and squirrels all wake up early in the morning.
All the children will be up. We wish them good morning.

Everybody let’s wake up
Let’s prepare for a new day
Cleaning up and making beds
Breathing fresh air all the way.
We know how to clean our teeth
We wash daily our face
Cause it’s excellent to be
Neat and groomed
And full of grace.

To do everything you want
Just enjoy the life and laugh
Do not rush in anything
And you’ll always be in graph
Just be earlier awake
And go earlier to bed
You’ll be full of happiness
And never ever be sad.