The Colors (Culorile)

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8 ani în urmă

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Acum ai posibilitatea de a învață culorile vizionând alături de noi cântecul în engleză „The Colors (Culorile)”. Videoclipul vine cu versurile integrate.

Versuri The Colors (Culorile)

The colors can’t stop arguing
for they want to be sure
which one is more important
and which one is obscure.

We’ll explain:

The sun is shining yellow,
Green are the leaves and grass,
The sky is blue forever
Red are the ladybugs.

A flower can be violet,
Same as a butterfly.
That’s what the earth is made of
From ground to the mighty sky.

The colors kept on asking
But soon they understood
That teamwork is important
And they all changed their mood

Just because:

The sun is shining yellow,
Green are the leaves and grass,
The sky is blue forever
Red are the ladybugs.

A flower can be violet,
Same as a butterfly.
That’s what the earth is made of
From ground to the mighty sky.

The sun is shining yellow,
Green are the leaves and grass,
The sky is blue forever
Red are the ladybugs.

A flower can be violet,
Same as a butterfly.
That’s what the earth is made of
From ground to the mighty sky.